Short Description

The project objectives are fully fitting priority axis 1 and mix requirements of priority axis 2, co-operation of R-D sectors and joint research targets. By its objectives and actions manifesting in three dimensions (institutional, financial and professional) the project proposed activities are fitting best to the general programs objectives, bringing together local transboundary multicultural communities with joint history and natural heritage, economic media and local institutions. The project sustainability is facilitated through its action plan and risk tool developed, for all actors, contributing to the joint development in cooperation border area for a strategic clean development. Transboundary pollution is a natural phenomena, specific to vicinity regions, generated by national sources, under the influence of shared climate. The specific target regions (two counties) share the footprint of both nations and are of joint interest concerning raising the environmental awareness. One output of the project is an action plan, for preserving of architectural & historical monuments & touristy areas, that ensures a long-term impact & sustainable development for both regions. Air pollution knows no political boundaries and pollution management and joint effort by the governments to control and reduce the impact of pollutants on a regional basis, for fully integrated and cooperative approach of air quality issues are needed.

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